What is PREVENT?

PREVENT is the name given to a national strategy which aims to safeguard individuals who are vulnerable to radicalisation, by stopping them from being drawn into terrorism or extremism. Channel is the process that supports people at risk of being drawn towards terrorism or violent extremism.

What forms of extremism are covered?

PREVENT aims to deal with all forms of extremism including far right extremism, animal rights extremism and religious extremism.

Why should I share my concerns?

By raising your concerns you can help someone who you believe is at risk of radicalisation get support, and can safeguard them from being drawn into extremism and terrorism, before any criminal activity takes place.

What is Extremism?

Extremism is the promotion or advancement of an ideology based on violence, hatred or intolerance that aims to:

  1. Negate or destroy the fundamental rights and freedoms of others; or
  2. Undermine, overturn or replace the UK’s system of liberal parliamentary democracy and democratic rights; or
  3. Intentionally create a permissive environment for others to achieve the results in (1) or (2).

What is the current threat level?

For information on the current threat level, and how it is decided, click here.


What the threat levels mean:

Threat levels are designed to give a broad indication of the likelihood of a terrorist attack.

  • LOW means an attack is highly unlikely.
  • MODERATE means an attack is possible, but not likely.
  • SUBSTANTIAL means an attack is likely.
  • SEVERE means an attack is highly likely.
  • CRITICAL means an attack is highly likely in the near future.


Who can I contact to discuss my concerns?

You can discuss your concerns with your local Safeguarding Team. The numbers for your area are listed below including links to further information and how to report concerns:


Click on Link : Extremism – Safer Portsmouth

Children: 0845 671 0271      Adults: 02392 688 613


Click on link: Prevent (southampton.gov.uk)

Children: 02380 833 336      Adults: 02380 833 003

Isle of Wight

Click on link: Prevent (counter terrorism) (iow.gov.uk)

Children: 01983 814 545      Adults: 01983 814 980


Click on link: Prevent Hampshire County Council (hants.gov.uk)

Children: 0300 555 1384      Adults: 0300 555 1386

Information and advice is also available from:

Act Early Support Line:   0800 011 3764
Anti-Terrorist Hotline:      0800 789 321
Crime Stoppers:              0800 555 111

Remember, if you suspect terrorism or violent extremism is being promoted or related activity is taking place contact the police on 101 or in an emergency call 999.