Extremist speaker guidance
This is guidance on extremist speakers and booking venues produced by the Association of Chief Police Officers. It is recommended that existing booking policies and procedures are reviewed in line with this guidance.
PREVENT Extremist Speaker Guidance
Organisational self assessment
The PREVENT Organisational Self Assessment Tool is designed to assist partner agencies to evaluate the effectiveness of internal arrangements regarding the PREVENT Duty and to use this as a tool to identify and prioritise any areas in need of further development. It is recommended that the tool is completed on an annual basis.
The Organisational Self Assessment Tool is currently being updated – October 2024
Hampshire Prevent Partnership Board Communications and Engagement Strategy 2021 – 2024
The Hampshire Prevent Partnership Board Communications and Engagement Strategy is written to strengthen the delivery of the work of the Board and promote effective communication and engagement.
Hampshire Prevent Strategic Partnership Communications Strategy v1.2_sc
Hampshire County Council Channel Panel Escalation of Concern Procedure
Channel is a multi-agency safeguarding approach to identify and provide support to individuals who are assessed as being at risk of being drawn into terrorism. Hampshire County Council has developed this Escalation of Concerns Procedure to ensure timely resolution for any issues that impede effective planning or the allocation of resources.
HCC Channel Panel Escalation of Concern Process PPB Website
Hampshire Prevent Partnership Board No Platform for Extremism (Venue Hire and Speaker) Policy
The principal aim of this policy is to ensure that organisational resources are not used to express or promote views, policies or objectives that:
- undermine our statutory responsibilities
- bring the organisation of the Board into disrepute
- undermine a commitment to working towards creating cohesive communities
- discriminate against, or incite hatred towards, any groups
PPB venue hire speaker policy 200422
Hampshire, Southampton, Portsmouth, Isle of Wight Prevent Training Strategy, Multi Agency
The purpose of this Prevent Training Strategy is to provide a framework which ensures the organisations that are members of the Prevent Partnership Boards are able to meet their responsibilities to equip people to work effectively to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, young people and adults in relation to Prevent.
Autism and Prevent
The purpose of this Prevent Strategy is to provide a framework which ensures the organisations that are members of the Prevent Partnership Boards are able to meet their responsibilities to equip people to work effectively to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, young people and adults in relation to Prevent.
Autism and Prevent Strategic Plan V4 112023.pdf