Action Counters Terrorism (ACT)
The Government’s ACT Campaign seeks to raise awareness about the terrorism threat and provides advice on what the public can do to help.
The ACT website (linked below) provides a one stop shop for the online reporting tool, advice, campaign materials, and links to supportive information.
Building Partnerships, Staying Safe
These guidance documents have been developed for Healthcare organisations and workers outlining their responsibilities around PREVENT.
Building Partnerships, Staying Safe – Guidance for Healthcare organisations
Building Partnerships, Staying Safe – Guidance for Healthcare Workers
Channel Process
The Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 introduced the ‘Channel’ process. Channel is a multi-agency safeguarding programme providing tailored support to people who have been identified as at risk of being drawn into terrorism. The support offered can come from any of the partners on the Panel which includes the local authority, police, education and health providers. The person’s engagement in the programme is voluntary at all stages. This guidance is intended for members of a panel and partners of local panels in England and Wales on the duty to provide support for people vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism
Factsheet: Prevent and Channel
The United Kingdom’s Strategy for Countering Terrorism
NHS England Guidance
The documents below provide guidance updates from NHS England:
NHS Prevent training and competencies framework
Online Safety
Online radicalisation, either through accessing inflammatory material or through online grooming is an increasing danger and means that partner organisations have to be alert to this issue regardless of sector or geographic location. Education and training organisations can help safeguard learners by blocking access to dangerous or illegal sites and also by helping to identify people who may be curious and susceptible to radicalisation. Organisations can promote online safety by ensuring there are policies on the use of IT on their premises and having general usage policies referring to misuse of computer equipment. Some organisations also use filtering as a means of restricting access to harmful content and to prevent people from being radicalised. For more information about online safety, please visit:
Information for teachers.
Run, Hide, Tell.
The British Transport Police’s security campaign “Run, Hide, Tell” can support school trip leaders in the event that trips are taken by rail / coach and can be found here:
The National Counter Terrorism Security Office provide protective security advice:
Revised PREVENT Duty Guidance
This document provides general guidance on the duty on specified authorities in the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015.
PREVENT Duty Advice for Schools and Childcare providers
These documents provide guidance on the PREVENT duty for schools and childcare providers.
Working together to Safeguard Children
The Prevent duty: safeguarding learners vulnerable to radicalisation – GOV.UK (
Managing Risks in Educational Settings
Managing risk of radicalisation in your education setting – GOV.UK (
understanding and identifying radicalisation risk in your education setting – GOV.UK (
PREVENT Duty Guidance for Further Education
This document provides guidance on the PREVENT duty for Further Education Institutions.
Prevent Duty Guidance for Further Education
PREVENT Duty Guidance for Higher Education
See link below for guidance on the PREVENT duty in the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 for Higher Education Institutions.
Prevent Duty Guidance for Higher Education
Safer Giving
Please see information below on how to give safely to charity, from the Charity Commission for England and Wales:
How To Give Safely to Charities
Home Office Guidance: Prevent and Channel – 2023
Due to recent media interest in Prevent, the following information has been provided by the Home Office to provide factual background on the programme:
FACTSHEET: Prevent and Channel – 2023 – Home Office in the media (
Support for Victims of Terrorism
We know that terrorist incidents can have a devastating impact on the family, friends, peers and community surrounding victims of terrorism and so wanted to remind areas that support is available for those who have been affected:
- The Support for Victims of Terrorism page includes relevant helplines, support organisations and a printable leaflet
- The Resilience in Unity Project has recently launched a mapping tool to record the stories and testimony of people affected by acts of terrorism around the world and provide resources for schools, practitioners and communities. You can access the tool and the project’s resource hub here.
Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation
Hate Crime Resources
National guidance on how to report Hate Crime can be found here, with additional resources available at the below links:
- True Vision have created a collection of downloadable posters on reporting hate crime, alongside other resources and materials including guidance on reporting a hate crime. All are accessible on their website.
- Tell Mama, which works to tackle anti-Muslim hatred, has developed a number of posters specifically on reporting Islamophobic hate crime, as well as tips on personal safety. All resources can be found here.
- CST ,Works to protect our Jewish Communities
- Educate Against Hate – Prevent Radicalisation & Extremism Government advice and trusted resources to help safeguard from radicalisation and to build resilience to all types of extremism and promote shared values
Act Early
ACT Early alongside other resources such as social media copy in the campaign’s partner toolkit – please do use these as appropriate and share among your own networks.